Co-funded by: the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Project number: 2020-1-HR01-KA201-077665
Project duration: 1.9.2020.-31.8.2022.
Coordinator: Croatia
Partners: Turkey Konya, Turkey Iskenderun, Lithuania, Slovakia - Faculty of Security Engineering UNIZA, Italy, Malta, Romania
Official project web:
- Preliminary questionnaire
- 1st meeting in Zagreb, Croatia
- 2nd meeting in Malta
- 3rd meeting in Iskenderun,Turkey
- 4th meeting in Konya, Turkey
- 5th meeting in Ancona, Italy
- 6th meeting in Lithuania
- 7th meeting in Moldovenesc, Romania
- Meeting in Žilina, Slovakia
- Conference I will survive!, Žilina, Slovakia
- Outputs:
Project summary
The topic of the I will survive! project is emergency and natural disaster management skills. During the years of working with high school students in regular schools, as well as with students with special needs, we have recognized their lack of knowledge and skills in coping with emergencies and situations of natural disasters, which are becoming more often because of dramatic climate changes. Through regular classes at school, students acquire only a small amount of knowledge, but not enough to know how to cope and help others in possible emergencies. Therefore, through this project, regular and special schools, in cooperation with the university, the Scout Alliance and a non-profit organization, will develop a curriculum for a new optional teaching subject “Emergency Management Skills”, teaching materials, an interactive handbook with related open educational resurces and brochures with brief instructions for dealing with possible emergencies. All materials will be available for free, adapted to students with special needs and translated into 8 languages: English, Croatian, Turkish, Slovak, Romanian, Italian, Lithuanian and Maltese. During the project, 32 teachers and educators will be trained to carry out the education through an optional subject and 24 students will receive intensive training in emergency management skills. Intensive education for students will be carried out as an inclusive education and will influence empathy of regular students, acceptance of peers with special needs and development of tolerance. As an follow up of the project we see the implementation of new curriculum of an optional teaching subject in partner schools, but also all schools and associations interested in implementing such education. Through strong dissemination activities, a long-accessible project website, and ensuring the visibility of the project, we will work to promote this idea and encourage as many institutions and individuals as possible to educate students with and without special needs for confident and correct handling in emergencies and dangerous situations
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